
Superstar for Humanity - Kiersten Miles

Superstar for Humanity

At Amsety we are all about connecting, from connecting with patients and customers to professionals and staff at Amsety. Recently we proudly connected with Kiersten Miles, the nanny who donated part of her liver and we would like to nominate her as Superstar for Humanity.

After only a few weeks of babysitting 16-month-old Talia Rokso, Kiersten donated part of her liver to the child who had a life threatening liver condition.

Moved by Kiersten’s generosity, Amsety created the “Live Healthy, Give Hope" campaign. A percentage of every Amsety purchase supported Talia's medical bills. Since that campaign ended we would now like to nominate Kiersten as Superstar for Humanity. Head to our Facebook page to nominate your Superstar for your chance to win a box of Peanut Butter Superstar Amsety Bars!

Hear Kiersten's story and learn more about the Live Healthy, Give Hope campaign below.

Hear Kiersten's Story


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Amsety – Loved from Coast to Coast

“I wanted to let you know that I loved them. I especially loved not being overwhelmed with the taste of sugar when I bit into them.”

Mary Lou, NY

“Perfect Snack – enjoy it with Cucumber Water.”

Cybill, CA

“They are very good and I’d recommend them to anyone. I like that they promote and support a healthy liver and that they have several vitamins and minerals.”

Carissa, NY

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