Dr. Tarek Hassanein, M.D.

“It is encouraging that the very tasty nutrition bars (…) provide the required vitamins and nutrients for patients with advanced liver disease.”

Dr. Tarek Hassanein, M.D.

Medical Director of Southern California GI & Liver Centers

“Everyone needs to understand that good liver health comes from good liver eating. Liver-healthy snacks like Amsety bars should replace its less liver-healthy alternatives.”

Anthony Villotti

President at NASH kNOWledge

Anthony Villotti

Lauren Wagner

“I’ve been handing out the bars to patients during our hepatology clinic visits, and patients are very happy to have a low sodium “grab and go” option.”

Lauren Wagner

RD, Abdominal Transplant Dietitian at Transplant Institute Keck Medical Center USC

“They are a great meal replacement option or a liver healthy snack!”

Suzanna Masartis

Community Liver Alliance

Community Liver Alliance

Rosita Muniz

"Amsety Bars are simply put, the best. I have a family member with poor liver health and they have made a difference by providing crucial nutrients. These bars are great for everyone, more products need to be developed with optimum wellness and specific health benefits in mind."

Rosita Muniz

Nutritionist B.S. in Human Nutrition & Dietetics, NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Co-Founder of Fit Snack

"Amsety Bars are the first of its kind. A bar that promotes a healthy liver and is incredibly delicious. I recommend them to my clients not only because they are good for them, but they are easy to incorporate into my recipes."

Chad Kilgore

Chef from San Diego, California with a passion for creating sustainable healthy lifestyles. Chef Chad has been a repeat Chef at the Flavors events with the American Liver Foundation.

Bill Remak

“I would recommend the Amsety Bars to anyone, as a much healthier choice over any of the other nutrition bars I have tried.”

Bill Remak

Cancer and liver disease Survivor, Two-Time Liver Transplant Recipient, Founder of the California Hepatitis Task Force and the National Association of Hepatitis Task Force

“The patients love the bars and are using them as a dietary supplement or a snack – whatever!”

Dr. Paul J. Pockros, M.D.

Director of Scripps Clinic's Liver Disease Center, Director of Scripps Clinical Research

Dr. Paul J. Pockros, M.D.


Combined Nutrition Study Results: AASLD's Liver Meeting, Boston Massachusetts, November 12-15th 2016 and Digestive Disease Week, San Diego California, May 22-24 2016

Amsety Bars



No Refined Sugar


Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Very Low Sodium


Contains Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix™

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