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How to Lead a Liver-Healthy Diet

97% of physicians agree that a healthy diet is the most important factor* for liver health, ahead of exercise and medication. Everything we eat, drink, or even come in contact with is processed through our liver. Eating unhealthy foods can over time negatively impact your liver health. But what is exactly a liver-healthy diet? Let´s try to break it down together!

Why is nutrition so important for liver health? What is a healthy liver diet? The 5 simple liver diet rules to live by Are you leading a liver-healthy lifestyle? Use our free tool to find out!

Why is nutrition so important for liver health?

Nowadays, over 100 million Americans are affected by different types of liver disease, primarily fatty liver disease. In most cases, liver problems are caused by poor nutrition — high in fat, sugar, salt, and alcohol. To understand more about the causes of liver disease, click here.

The three main pillars of a healthy liver are: exercise, nutrition, and healthy habits. Implementing a liver-healthy lifestyle and diet are the first steps in the liver health car process. Not only it can positively impact your general health and support liver function, but it may also prevent certain types of liver disease such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or improve its prognosis in some cases. Specifically, healthy nutrition can have the following benefits on your liver health:

  • Help the liver regenerate and repair damaged cells.
  • Lower the risk of developing diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and eventually fatty liver disease.
  • In some cases, prevent the liver disease progression and improve the overall quality of life.
  • Improve liver fat metabolism, decrease inflammation, improve weight loss, and balance blood sugar.

What is a healthy liver diet?

A healthy liver diet is a balanced diet. Optimizing nutrition for your liver health means:

  1. Finding the right balance between different food groups (whole grains, dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, and fats).
  2. Incorporating vitamins and minerals, BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), prebiotic soluble fiber, and lean protein in the amount that your body needs.
  3. Reducing the consumption of salt (e.g. pizza, fast food), sugar (e.g. soda and soft drinks, candy, cookies etc.), fat, simple carbs, gluten, and starch.

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The 5 simple liver diet rules to live by

These 5 habits can help you start leading a liver-healthier lifestyle and promote your liver health:

  1. Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The body responds well to eating within the first 20 minutes of waking up. Eating within this time frame keeps your body from going into survival mode. Storing old and unnecessary fats can later lead to obesity. Having breakfast will also line your stomach and give you the energy you need for your day. It is ideal to have your intake of carbs in the morning with your breakfast to boost your energy and fill you up for the day.
  2. Lunch – Eat your lunch early to avoid settling for fast food or overeating. When you eat too late your body gets worried that it is not going to get enough food and tends to overcompensate and eat more than it needs. It is a good idea to fill up on fiber at lunchtime to help your digestion and help you balance your blood sugar levels. Eating early also keeps you from losing energy and getting tired.
  3. Diner – If you leave your diner too late it becomes very hard to digest. The key is having an early diner and making sure that your body has enough time to properly digest your food. Diner time is the time to stock up on protein. Eating lean protein for diner will help you grow muscle whilst your body is resting.

  4. Check out our liver-healthy recipes for any occasions here >

  5. Superfoods – Include superfoods such as turmeric, avocado, apples, walnuts, garlic, spinach, and tomatoes in your meals to up your intakes of vitamins and minerals. If you can’t manage to consume enough superfoods during the day that support your liver health, try Amsety Bars — they are packed with Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix® and were specifically designed to support liver health. Amsety Bars are very low in sodium, certified organic, gluten-free, free of refined sugars, dairy-free, and were created by liver health experts for liver patients. To buy Amsety Bars, click here.

  6. 11 Liver Supporting Superfoods for Your Liver Diet >

  7. Avoid the bad – We all know that things like processed foods, sugar, and alcohol are bad for us. Yet we don’t always avoid them. Processed foods, sugar and alcohol make fat build up in our liver cells and can have terrible effects on our liver health and in some cases lead to fatal health problems over time. Be careful of foods filled with hidden sugars like in pizza, soda, or white bread. These are particularly dangerous because they tend to go unseen, therefore people forget or don’t know that they are there. Also be aware of high preservative foods, which tend to be high in sugar or salt as well.

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Are you leading a liver-healthy lifestyle? Use our free tool to find out!

Take the Liver Health Score to find out how healthy your lifestyle is for your liver. Fill out an easy questionnaire, find out your Liver Health Score, and learn what changes and improvements are yet to be made to your diet and lifestyle to support your liver. Take your Liver Health Score here.

*Source: Amsety´s Survey at the Liver Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease in Boston, 2019

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