Video of Dr. Hassanein Interview

The liver is one of the most important organs, performing over 500 functions in our bodies. However, it still remains to be one of the least researched organs. At Amsety our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of liver health through proper nutrition. This is why we have created the first nutrition bar for liver health. To improve your nutrition, you must first understand about the liver. We sat down with Dr. Hassanein, Medical Director of Southern California Liver Centers as he highlights the importance of liver health through explaining liver disease and liver function basics. Here is the full text from our interview:

Can you please give us an overview on the basics of liver disease and liver functions?

Dr. Hassanein: Let’s start by defining the liver. The liver is a big organ that sits on the upper right side of the abdomen, below the chest. It’s the size of a football. To me as a Liver Specialist, I would think that the liver is more important than any other organ in the body. The proof is very simple: if the liver stops working, everything stops working. So if I take a patient or person with a normal liver and injuring their liver, for example giving them a mega dose of Tylenol, this is the most common cause of injuring the liver acutely. The patient goes into a liver failure, their brain stops working, they go comatose, their kidney stops working, they stop making urine due to kidney failure. The lungs stop working and then they cannot breathe, and if we do a quick liver transplant and replace the liver with a new liver, all these organs start working again. This has proven to us that the liver is very essential for all the other organs to work.

So what’s behind the importance of the liver? The liver is a big factory of biochemical reactions that when we eat or drink anything, it gets absorbed in our intestines and it has to go through the liver. Then the liver tries to decide what to do with it. So if it is sugars, the liver can send it to the different parts of the body to use it, if it is proteins, it tells the proteins where to go for the muscles to use it. If we are eating too much, and have too much of sugars, too much of proteins, too much of fat, the liver can store these extra calories in the form of fat either in its own space and leads to fatty liver, or send it to the subcutaneous tissues and around the other organs and that’s how we gain weight. At the same time, the liver clears out any toxins we take, the liver clears it, the liver helps us to store vitamins, you can imagine it is the brain around a lot of how the body functions.

Thank you Dr. Hassanein for this extremely useful information on the basics of liver disease and liver functions!


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